Venue details
St Martin-in-the-Fields
St Martin-in-the-Fields Trafalgar Square London WC2N 4JH
Box Office: 020 7766 1100
St Martin-in-the-Fields is an architectural jewel sitting at the corner of one of the world’s most famous squares.

The Stabat Mater is without doubt, one of the most powerful poems of the liturgy and one which has inspired artists through the ages. This programme paradoxically takes us to the heart of human sorrow whilst enabling us to transcend it through ravishing choral beauty.
Showcasing contrasting interpretations of this moving text, we move from the spine-tingling beauty of James MacMillan’s Miserere, to the exquisite harmonic language of contemporary composer Alissa Firsova, to the exquisite contrapuntal poise of Victoria, ending with Anerio’s glorious and ambitious 12-part setting.
De Lamentatione
Stabat Mater
In manus tuas III
Lamentations a5
Stabat Mater for 12 voices
Quatre motets pour un temps de penitence
Litaniae Beatae Mariae
St Martin-in-the-Fields Trafalgar Square London WC2N 4JH
Box Office: 020 7766 1100
St Martin-in-the-Fields is an architectural jewel sitting at the corner of one of the world’s most famous squares.
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