Enjoy an evening of beautiful polyphony from the maestri of the 16th– and 17th-century Polish Royal Court.

As part of the XXXIII Ars Cameralis Festival, our evening concert centres on music performed in the Polish Royal Court in the 16th and 17th centuries. As well as Polish composers such as Gorczycki (1665-1734) and Bartłomiej Pękiel (1601-1670), this concert features music by various Italian composers including Palestrina (1525-1594).


  • Gorczycki

    O rex gloriae

  • Palestrina

    Pulchra es, amica mea

  • Anerio

    ‘Kyrie’ and ‘Gloria’ from Missa Pulchra Es

  • Gorczycki

    Rorate caeli (II)

  • Pękiel

    Ave Maria

  • Bertolusi

    Osculetur me

  • Anerio

    Salve Regina

  • Marenzio

    Iniquos odio habui

  • Marenzio

    ‘Credo’ from Missa super Iniquos odio habui

  • Gorczycki

    Sepulto Domine

  • Marenzio

    Jubilate Deo

  • Pękiel

    Resonet in laudibus

  • Mielczewski

    Jubilate Deo

  • Bertolusi

    Ave verum corpus


  • The Sixteen
  • Eamonn Dougan conductor

Venue details

Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra

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