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Performance Time: 120 minutes
Tickets available on the door
St James’s Church, Piccadilly has a range of services to assist customers with access needs. Visit their website to find out more.
St James’s Piccadilly’s annual Joy & Devotion Festival brings the beauty of Polish sacred music to London audiences. Our evening concert centres on music performed in the Polish Royal Court in the 16th and 17th centuries. As well as Polish composers such as Gorczycki (1665-1734) and Bartłomiej Pękiel (1601-1670), this concert features music by various Italian composers including Palestrina (1525-1594).
O rex gloriae
Pulchra es, amica mea
‘Kyrie’ and ‘Gloria’ from Missa Pulchra Es
Rorate caeli (II)
Ave Maria
Osculetur me
Salve Regina
Iniquos odio habui
‘Credo’ from Missa super Iniquos odio habui
Sepulto Domine
Jubilate Deo
Resonet in laudibus
Jubilate Deo
Ave verum corpus
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