The first of three concerts, celebrating Palestrina's legacy and impact on sacred music worldwide on the 500th anniversary of his birth.

Our first performance reinforces women’s message of compassion and love at the heart of the New Testament gospels and the Old Testament’s wisdom books.

On Palestrina, Harry says ‘I have always regarded Palestrina as the master craftsman whose music composers of all ages have attempted to emulate. He shapes his music in a beautifully sonorous way using many suspensions but always coming back into the line of the music. However it is this perfect craftsmanship that can sometimes make Palestrina’s music sound all too perfect and occasionally academic. We have attempted to achieve real ebb and flow in his music, not clipping the ends of phrases but allowing the music to breathe, to convey the real meaning of the words and making our breaths part of the music as a whole. There is a wealth of word painting in which to indulge especially in his Song of Songs motets. Our aim has been to be sensitive to this wonderful poetry and inject an energy and beauty to our performances that I hope goes some way to honour Palestrina as the celebrated light of music.’

Promoted by Wigmore Hall


  • Palestrina
    ‘Kyrie’ from Missa Regina coeli
    Beata Barbara
    Tota pulchra es
    Vulnerasti cor meum
    Sicut lilium inter spinas
    Assumpta est Maria
    ‘Gloria’ from Missa Assumpta est Maria

    Susanna ab improbis

    Adjuro vos filiae Jerusalem
    Caput ejus aurum optimum
    Dilectus meus descendit
    Salve regina a5


  • The Sixteen
  • Harry Christophers conductor

Meet The Sixteen

Alexandra Kidgell


Meet The Sixteen

Alexandra Kidgell


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